9/11 Oral History Transcripts

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These transcripts were released in response to Freedom of Information Act case 11-F-1314 and have been cleared for public dissemination.


Interviewee  Transcripts

Alexander, Coneleous


 Austin, Brian and Steve Pennington


Brady, John   11/05/01
 Brassell, Kathleen and John Harris  11/01/01

Breeden, Timothy


 Bryan, Craig

Bryant, Michael


Cambone, Stephen

 Candido, Robert  12/12/01
Carter, Steven   11/19/01

Cheaves, Alton

 Chu, David   02/01/02

Clark, Victoria


 Cochran, Marion (Snake)  12/03/01

Combs, Christopher


Condrell, Stacie  10/30/01
 Conques, Anthony  10/25/01

 Cook, David "Doc"

Cox, Robert


Davis, Aubrey and gilbert Oldach


 DiRita, Lawrence


Dixon, Ronald


Dooley, Michael


Evey, Lee

 Fitzharris, Rich


Friedl, Joseph


Giambastiani, Edmund  07/18/02

Glatz, Georgine


Godfrey, Steve

Gray, Francis


Greenwell, Kathryn


 Harper, Randall


Haselbush, Paul  10/19/01
 Haynes, William


Haynes, William and Lawrence DiRita   05/16/06
 Hillard, Leroy  11/06/01
 Irby, John  11/19/01
Jester, John



 Judd, Nancy


 Kilsheimer, Allyn  10/29/01
 Kuney, Donald and Brian McGuire  10/26/01
 Luczak, Linda  11/07/01
 McCormack, Charles  10/25/01
Morris, Matthew   12/05/01
 Murphy, Daniel  11/28/01
 Nelson, Rick  11/09/01
Nesbitt, Michael 



 Newton, Ralph  11/19/01
 Phillips, James  11/09/01
 Pickens, Edwin  10/23/01
 Pugrud, John  11/01/01
 Rabogliatti, R.E.  11/05/01
 Robinson, John  12/05/01
 Rumsfeld, Donald  12/23/02
 Smith, Dennis  10/29/01
 Smith, Jerome, Randy Gray, and Chuck Gibs  02/03/06
 Stanton, Tom  03/14/06
 Stout, William  06/23/06
 Sullivan, Mike  10/18/01
 Viner, William and Jack Kelly  10/25/01
 Wassel, Joseph  04/09/03
 Wolfowitz, Paul  04/19/02
 Woodson, Alvina  11/08/01