Defense Department and Other Government Officials Oral History Transcripts

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Interviewee  DoD or Other Position(s) Transcripts

Ailes, Stephen


 Under Secretary of the Army, 1961-64; Secretary of the Army, 1964-65



 Anderson, George Chief of Naval Operations, 1961-63



 Augustine, Norman

Assistant Director of Defense Research and Engineering, 1965-1970; Assistant Secretary of the Army, 1973; Under Secretary of the Army, 1975-77

 Brown, Harold Director, Defense, Research and Engineering, 1961-65; Secretary of the Air Force, 1965-69; Secretary of Defense, 1977-1981









 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Counselor to President Lyndon Johnson, 1966-68; Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1977-1981



 Bundy, McGeorge Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1961-66  04/15/91

 Bundy, William

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1961-63; Assistant Secretary of for International Security Affairs, 1963-64





 Burke, Arleigh

Chief of Naval Operations, 1955-1961   11/09/83
 Carpenter, Donald Chairman, Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1948; Chairman, Munitions Board, 1948-49


 Reflections of Washington

Carter, Jimmy  President of the United States, 1977-1981  03/12/86
 Claytor, W. Graham Secretary of the Navy, 1977-79; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1979-1981   01/08/81

Connell, John 

Administrative Assistant to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, 1942-43  12/18/91
Cooke, David  Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration, 1971; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) for Administration, 1971-1988; Director, Administration and Management, 1988-2002  12/20/89 
Duncan, Charles Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1977-79  05/17/96
 Eisenhower, John S.D. Assistant Staff Secretary of the President, 1958-1961   10/22/84
 Enthoven, Alain

Deputy Comptroller and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1961-65; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis, 1965-69


 Foster, William

Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1951-53  02/27/74
 Gilpatric, Roswell

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Material, 1951; Under Secretary of the Air Force, 1951-53; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1961-64


 Glass, Henry

Economic Adviser to the Comptroller, 1953-1965; Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1965-69






 Goodrich, Nathaniel Deputy General Counsel and Director, Office of Legal Services, 1947-1952  04/10/84
 Haig, Alexander Staff Officer, Office of the Deputy Chief for Operations, 1962-64; Military Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, 1964; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1964-65; Military Assistant to the National Security Advisor, 1969-1970; Deputy National Security Advisor, 1970-73; Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, 1973; White House Chief of Staff, 1973-74; Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 1974-79; Secretary of State, 1981-82   05/02/96

 Harriman, W. Averell

Special Assistant to the President, 1950-52; American Representative and Chairman, Committee to Study Western Defense Plans, NATO, 1951-52; Director for Mutual Security and Head, Mutual Security Agency, 1951-53



 Helms, Richard Director of Central Intelligence, 1966-1973  07/16/91
 Hensel, H. Struve General Counsel, 1953-54; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1954-55  10/26/83

 Ignatius, Paul

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Logistics, 1961-64; Under Secretary of the Army, 1964; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Installations and Logistics, 1964-67; Secretary of the Navy, 1967-69

 Jones, David Chief of Staff of the Air Force, 1974-78; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1978-1982



Kaufmann, William  Researcher, RAND, 1956-61; Defense Department Consultant, 1961-1981



 Kester, John Assistant to the General Counsel, Department of the Army, 1965-68; Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, 1969-1972; Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1977-78



Komer, Robert Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 1979-1981  03/25/81

 Laird, Melvin

Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 1953-1969; Secretary of Defense, 1969-1973




 Lemnitzer, Lyman

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1960-62; Commander-in-Chief, U.S. European Command, 1962-63; Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 1963-69



 Leva, Marx

Special Assistant and General Counsel to the Secretary of Defense 1947-49; Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1949-1951



 Lovett, Robert

Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, 1940-41; Assistant to the Secretary of War for Air, 1941-45; Under Secretary of State, 1947-49; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1950-51; Secretary of Defense, 1950-53



Mark, Hans  Director, Defense Research and Engineering, 1998-2001  08/04/99
 Marshall, Andrew Director, Office of Net Assessment, 1973-2015



McCloy, John 

Special Assistant to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, 1940-41; Assistant Secretary of War, 1941-45; Adviser to President Kennedy, 1961  10/24/83
McGiffert, David Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, 1962-65; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1977-1981  03/31/98
 McNamara, Robert Secretary of Defense, 1961-68





McNeil, Wilfred 

Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1947; Assistant Secretary of Defense and Comptroller, 1949-1959



 Morris, Thomas Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, 1961-64, 1967-69  Undated
 Murray, Russell II Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis, 1962-69; Assistant Secretary of Defense, Program Analysis and Evaluation, 1977-1981 07/23/98
Nitze, Paul Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1961-63; Secretary of the Navy, 1963-67; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1967-69



 Ohly, John

Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1947-49




Pace, Frank 

Secretary of the Army, 1950-53  05/13/74
Packard, David  Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1969-1971; Chairman, President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management, 1985-86



 Perry, William Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, 1977-1981; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1993-94; Secretary of Defense, 1994-97







 Powell, Colin Executive to the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretaries of Defense, 1977-79; Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1979-1981; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1983-86; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1989-1993



 Pursely, Robert Staff Analyst, Systems Analyst Office, 1963-65; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1966-1972






 Ridgway, Matthew Commander-in-Chief, Far East Command and UN Command, 1951-52; Supreme Commander Allied Powers Europe, 1952-53; Army Chief of Staff, 1953-55 



 Sullivan, Leonard Director, Defense Program Analysis and Evaluation, 1973-74; Assistant Secretary of Defense, Program Analysis and Evaluation, 1974-76  05/04/99
 Symington, Stuart Assistant Secretary of War for Air, 1946-47; Secretary of the Air Force, 1947-1950



Taylor, Maxwell  Army Chief of Staff, 1955-59; Military Representative to the President, 1961-62; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1962-64  10/18/83
 Twitchell, Hamilton Member, Joint Planning Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1947-49; Executive Officer, Office of Military Assistants, 1949-50; Office of the Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, 1951-53; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, 1955-58; Chief of the Coordination Group, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, 1958-1960; Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1962  07/05/84
Vessey, Gen. John Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1982-1985 03/21/90
 Wolstetter, Albert Senior Analyst and Consultant, RAND, 1951-1997; Consultant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1961-67     01/30/86
 York, Herbert Director, Defense Research and Engineering, 1958-1961


Zuckert, Eugene  Special Assistant to the Secretary of War for Air, 1946-47; Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, 1947-52; Secretary of the Air Force, 1961-65  09/26/84


 Zumwalt, Elmo

Desk Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, 1962-63; Executive Assistant and Senior Aide to the Secretary of the Navy, 1963-65; Chief of the Naval Advisory Group, U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam, 1968; Chief of Naval Operations, 1970-74

